Design by: P.Truscott

© P. Truscott and Holymoorside History Society 2009

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Held in the Village Hall on Friday 19th February 2010 at 7.30 p.m.

Brian Huchinson (Chairman) opened the meeting by introducing the Committee/Trustees. He welcomed everyone and advised there were apologies from Betty Holmes and Roy Thompson.

The minutes of the AGM held on the 20th February 2009 were read by Anne White. These were AGREED and signed by Brian Huchinson. There were no matters arising.


Anne White advised that the Society had had a successful year, with good attendances at meetings; publication of the Society’s Christmas cards and calendar; the June outing to York and the daytime walks. The Society committee had once again put on an exhibition for the Village “Fun Day” on Bank Holiday Saturday, and this had been extended to the Sunday and Monday in the United Reformed Church Schoolroom, and all had been well attended. The Society now has its own web site ( Special thanks were extended to Paul Truscott and Malcolm Groves for their hard work.


Full copies of the report were on the table for inspection, and Sandra Mercer reported another healthy balance. The accounts had been independently audited by Asha Brandwood, for which the Society were grateful. There were no questions.


Malcolm Groves (Vice Chairman) thanked Sandra for her accurate balance sheet and accounts which had been by accepted by all committee members and independently checked. He proposed the adoption of the accounts for the period 1st December 2007 to 30th November 2009 and this was AGREED.


Brian Hutchinson advised members that the Programme Secretary had been in hospital over Christmas and the New Year, but the programme for the 37th year was almost complete and would be available from the May meeting.


Brian Hutchinson who advised that the January meeting had had to be cancelled due to bad weather and that Julian Burgess would be talking on Lumsdale in the coming year. Sadly our Vice-President Eric Eardley died at the end of last year. Brian reviewed the varied and interesting items which had happened in the Society over the year and gave an insight into the new programme. He thanked the dedicated committee for all their commitment and support. Thanks were also given to Robert and Roy for their continued support.


Malcolm Groves (Vice Chairman) announced the following committee members were all willing to stand for re-election: Brian Hutchinson, Malcolm Groves, Betty Holmes, Pat Maskrey, Sandra Mercer, Roy Mercer, Fay Plant, Madge Randall, Margaret Richmond, Paul Truscott, Mary Wardale and Anne White. The Committee was AGREED.

The AGM closed at 7.45 pm, and a pie and pea supper was served. Afterwards members were entertained by Enid Ruff and “Joyce Grenfell”, which was well received. Pat Maskrey arranged the raffle. An entertaining evening was enjoyed by many and Enid was thanked by Brian Hutchinson.