Design by: P.Truscott

© P. Truscott and Holymoorside History Society 2009

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Holymoorside AUDIO TRAIL


Track ONE                    Track TWO                    Track THREE                  Track FOUR                Track FIVE

The Bull’s Head                        Holymoor Mill                            Holymoor House and the            Manager’s House and            Dye Works

                                                                                                    Mill Dam                                     Millworker’s Cottages


In 2010, Holymoorside and Walton Parish Council was approached and invited to participate in the production of a series of Audio Trails entitled ‘Hidden Gems’. Organisations from the village were invited to attend consultation meetings and a Trail was agreed upon.

The Trail, designed to enable visitors, able and not so able, to enjoy the village’s scenery and rich history, will take you approximately two hours to complete.

Holymoorside as a village has been in existence less than 200 years - and is believed to have developed following the introduction into Derbyshire of cotton spinning and the factory system during the 1700s. The Cotton Mill employed many of the women and girls of the village, while the men and boys worked in the clay mines and in lead smelting.

Many of the points of interest are marked by a series of plaques, and along the way visitors will also hear about the village’s three churches, reflecting the religious history of the ‘Holy Moor’.  

The Audio Trail plus directions can be quickly downloaded for FREE onto MP3 players, iPod/iPad or mobile phones, simply visit :

and click on Holymoorside Audio Trail.


The Society is currently producing an A4 leaflet with Map and Directions which will be available to either download or by contacting the Archivist on 01246 566252.

Track SIX                    Track SEVEN                 Track EIGHT                  Track NINE                Track TEN

Wasp’s Nest                           Sycamore Farm                         Hipper Hall                                Cruck Barn                            Hand Laundry